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Non-profit membership association

Formerly the industry leader in K-12 educational publishing, this well-established non-profit association had experienced almost 12 consecutive years of 7% decline in revenues. Within 12 months, IMPRIMATUR ended the decline, and in year two grew revenue through increased volume, targeted front list acquisitions, a new product line launch, and reduced expenses.

For-profit professional publishing & services provider

To better position themselves for sale, this small company (under $10M) contracted IMPRIMATUR to develop a 3-year business plan and roadmap to grow revenues and net profit through scaling and increased discoverability.

Non-profit membership association

This once-struggling organization in the midst of a successful turnaround contracted IMPRIMATUR to develop a strategic plan to improve their publications metrics, processes, and performance for both journals and books, including an acquisitions strategy, long range marketing plan, professional services plan, distribution, subscription base, warehousing and fulfillment.

For-profit educational technologies services provider

This privately-held company retained IMPRIMATUR to identify and serve as liaison to content publishers interested in white-labeling or acquiring their proprietary lesson-planning platform. 

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